founder talent

Founder Potential: Strong Roots & The Invisible Barriers of Belonging

Founder Potential: Strong Roots & The Invisible Barriers of Belonging

Most founders and investors in tech have their opinion on what traits are exemplary of top founders. In this post, we will first summarize specifically what those common traits and threads are. We will cover a bit about historical patterns (e.g., upbringing, initial living conditions, etc.) and psychological patterns (i.e., how they ‘think’). Second, we will discuss the invisible barriers of belonging and beliefs that inhibit their potential as they grow and evolve.

Founder Lessons on Identifying, Securing, and Scaling Excellence: Adam Lawrence

Founder Lessons on Identifying, Securing, and Scaling Excellence: Adam Lawrence

Today’s guest is Adam Lawrence, a serial founder and currently the COO @Bolt. Adam is a growth-oriented startup leader with unique insights about manufacturing luck, hiring and unlocking talent, and being uncompromising about excellence. Adam is low-key, humble, and a builder by nature. His insights are based on first-hand experiences in the startup world. Enjoy!